How to start your fitness journey as a beginner

Have you ever considered why you haven’t started your fitness journey yet?

Your fitness journey doesn’t have to start at a particular time of the week or year. There is no better time to start other than the present. Take action and make that positive change for yourself. “You can plan for the future, but if you don’t take action in the present then you will never get results.” 

I know you're asking yourself, where do I begin? How do I get started? 

Getting started doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be simple and effective with these quick tips. 

Begin: Let’s start right now! 

Hesitant to start, look forward to your fitness goals. Conquer and overcome your fears by completing your first workout today. Here are some steps to get you started! 

Don’t wait for the perfect moment 

Life gets busy with family, work, and commitments. It’s easy to put off taking care of yourself. It’s hard to change your habits when you're comfortable. Changing and growing isn’t supposed to be comfortable. Have you ever heard of the saying, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable?” That’s how we grow baby! 

Life will always be busy. You will always have family, work, and commitments. But you don’t have to wait for the perfect moment to start your fitness journey – you can start right now! 

Take action by putting one foot forward in front of the other, and making one small change. See the difference it can make! 

Build confidence through action

Lack of confidence can be one of the biggest barriers to starting your fitness journey. Whether you deal with body dysmorphia or are not educated in the gym. You will never get results without first taking action. 

Remember: It’s okay to ask for help, hire a coach. That person isn’t staring at you! 

It’s all about mindset. You have to get out of your head, focus on positive action, and practice gratitude.

Plan to create new habits

Now that you have made the decision to start your fitness journey, take the time to make an action plan. 

Change can be scary but rewarding. Start by making new healthy habits, one at a time. Remember being healthy is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. 

Start with increasing your water intake. Carry a water bottle with you, and add lemon or lime to it. Water is important for overall health and recovery. It helps boost your metabolism aiding in weight loss. 

Start small – Set goals

Set small goals that are realistic and achievable. By creating small goals you can achieve them more quickly. Celebrate these wins – it helps keep you motivated for those bigger ones. Often remind yourself of the bigger picture, what you're working towards. 

Progress isn’t linear

Remember progress isn’t linear. Like life, your fitness journey will have its ups and downs, that’s normal. We all fluctuate from day to day, whether it's due to sleep, digestion, or “Mother Nature” for those women.  

Your weight is not going to be the greatest measurement of success. Track your progress over the course of several weeks. Write down those weights. Use multiple tools in the shed; photos, tape measurements, weight, how you overall feel, and how your clothes fit. This will allow you to see the strides of progress even if you can’t see it day to day. And remember your fitness journey should be enjoyable! 

Rest is part of the process

Rest days are just as important as your workouts! 

Allow your body to fully recover with at least one complete rest day each week. Our muscles are broken down in the gym. Rest days allow your body to replenish its energy stores and repair the damage done to the muscle tissue, allowing your muscles to rest and grow. Don’t overtrain as you’ll be at a higher risk for injury. Take that rest day.  Read a book or spend time with family. The gym isn’t going anywhere. 

You’d be amazed at how much it helps with your results! 

Plan to eat well

Know that choosing nutritious foods can help accelerate your results and give you more energy. Set yourself up for success by planning your meals ahead of time. Make eating healthier a habit. Educate yourself on which foods are healthy and maintainable for your lifestyle. Hire a nutrition coach to help you get started! 

Don’t rely on motivation – Consistency gets results

Remind yourself something is better than nothing! Go for a walk instead. Some days motivation isn’t the driving force. It’s dedication. Stay the course because consistency gets results. 

Get to know your body and LISTEN to it. Take that extra rest day if you need it. You will not always be motivated 100% of the time. 

Prepare for the HARD days

Setbacks happen to the best of us. Maybe try a new training style. Or hire a coach for accountability, we all need that from time to time. 

Have the discipline to keep you moving towards your goals. Write inspirational quotes down to keep you inspired. Follow fitness pages for inspiration and creativity. Have a killer workout playlist. 

Remember people don’t post rough days on social media. We all have them! 

Find a support team

When you start your fitness journey it is important to have a crowd of people cheering you on! 

Start with finding a good gym community. Don’t be afraid to make new friends everyone is there for the same reason – be 1% better than the day before. 

Start your fitness journey today! Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it. 

Please feel free to fill out the forum linked on my programs page for coaching inquiries.


How to stay motivated as a beginner