How to stay motivated as a beginner

“Look in the mirror.. that’s your competition.” 

If you’re a beginner, it can be hard to find and maintain motivation at first. It comes in waves, some days you look forward to training, and other days you look forward to those rest days. If you don’t genuinely enjoy it,  whether a busy lifestyle or a stay-at-home mom, motivation can be hard.

It’s normal for your motivation levels to fluctuate. But what if I told you finding motivation isn’t as hard as you may think? As a coach, here are some common tips I educate my clients with when beginning. 

Regularly review your goals & progress

What are your goals? Constantly think about your goals, say them out loud. Your end result is why you keep pushing. Use tools to track progress even if you don’t want to. Take those damn photos! Use your progress as fuel to excel forward. You will not be the same person you were the day before, but 1% better each day. Seeing progress is a great motivator and can also improve your self-esteem. 

Continually set new goals

As you accomplish goals, set new goals. This helps not only hold you accountable but also have something to work towards. Make sure to set SMART goals that are realistic and achievable. SMART goals can be reached in a timeframe and are specific to you and your lifestyle. Always keep your personal circumstances in mind when setting your goals, start small. If you aren’t reaching your goals adjust your mindset and re-evaluate your goals. Don’t get overwhelmed! 

Find a mentor/coach

As a beginner, you will most likely have lots of questions. Find a mentor or coach that will support and encourage you to keep pushing especially on those tough days! A mentor is someone who has experience in the habit you want to change. Find the right person for you. 

Surround yourself with positivity

Positivity enhances your positive self-talk which can help manage your symptoms of depression and anxiety. Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I can try.” Weed out the negativity in your life. If they aren’t helping or supporting you then don’t bother. Find a gym that encourages you to improve daily. Having a community of supporters will bring positive results. Practice mindfulness as it helps keep you relaxed and focused. 

Stay educated

Stay informed by reading a book or article. Indulge in others' experiences and progress. Feel inspired by talking to other coaches and mentors who have reached similar goals. Everyone can always improve and better themselves with more knowledge.

Make it routine

We all have a routine when we start each day, think about yours. Would you leave the house in the morning without brushing your teeth? No. You wouldn’t give it a second thought, because it’s part of your daily ritual. Exercise is a part of self-care too. A healthy mind and body is health. Make it part of your daily routine by setting yourself up for success – no distractions. Set your clothes out the night before and when you wake up execute that workout. Completing your workouts in the morning not only boosts your moods and energy throughout the day but also prevents you from coming up with excuses as the day goes on. Make time for yourself and pencil in your workouts. 

Reward yourself

Remember to always have fun. Training should never feel like a chore or punishment. Reward yourself when you have completed a step or goal. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You have done the work and stuck to the regimen so freaking embrace it!


It comes down to discipline! Making changes to your lifestyle requires discipline and willpower. You have to want the change to make the change. This means committing to your goals and schedule even when it's tough. Discipline is the ultimate driving force behind results. 

Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.


Why I started my fitness journey


How to start your fitness journey as a beginner