Get ready to sweat! This killer HIIT workout will increase your heart rate and challenge you in just under twenty minutes. No equipment needed, just your bodyweight and a determination to push your limits. Great option for a quick at home workout.

Warm-up : Fifteen minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretching (e.g., jogging, fast walk, walking lunges)

Workout: Perform each movement for thirty seconds, no rest, straight into the next movement for thirty seconds. Take a thirty second break between each block before moving onto the next block. Once completed, take a one minute break. Repeat circuit two times.

  • Burpees

  • Alternating Reverse Lunge with twist

(30 second rest)

  • Mountain Climbers

  • Single Leg RDL

(30 second rest)

  • Skaters

  • T Push Ups

(30 second rest)

  • Burpee with Squat

  • Plank Tap

(1 minute rest)

Repeat x2

Cool Down : Fifteen minutes of light cardio and static stretching (e.g., jogging or fast walk)

Modify the workout to fit your fitness level :

For beginners, rest longer between blocks or add a rest between exercises.

For advanced exercisers, decrease rest time or add additional exercises.

Remember, it’s only you vs you! You got this!

- Coach D


Protein French Toast